Erection & Commissioning

Erection & Commissioning

GREENING offers erection and commissioning services to industries dealing with structural steel and bulk material handling, including coal, cement, chemicals, fertilizers, food, minerals, and more. Our skilled workforce ensures that the equipment is installed and commissioned correctly to achieve the optimal performance of the system.

Our highly qualified and experienced engineers, along with a safety officer, provide support at each stage of erecting and commissioning your process plant. We specialize in integrating complex control, technology, and safety regulations to ensure optimal performance and compliance.

At GREENING, we take full ownership of your project and provide installation management services that include planning, worker management, site supervision, and start-up services. We will be present at your site to ensure a seamless project execution.


Typically, we divide the entire project into several stages, which include the following:

  • Site orientation visit
  • Regular progress visits
  • Mechanical installation phase
  • Electrical installation phase
  • Completion of installation phase.


During each phase, we verify that the equipment is installed correctly, review the project schedule, and provide necessary construction materials, labour, and equipment.

After installation, a project manager checks the pre-commissioning checklist and project plan, and the service team provides training on machine operation and maintenance.

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