Valves and Gates

Valves and Gates

Choosing the appropriate valve for bulk material handling is vital since selecting the wrong valve can impede the material flow and result in equipment downtime, higher maintenance costs, and possible failures.

At GREENING, we prioritize selecting and producing robust bulk material valves that can handle even the toughest operating conditions, whether it be discharge, filling applications, transfer points, dust collectors, or any other challenging scenarios.

Our team collects detailed technical information of the bulk handling system, including intended use of the valve (shut-off, flow regulation, diverting, converging, venting, etc.), type of application, shape, size, and physical properties of the material, inlet and outlet connection shapes and sizes, pressure at the inlet and outlet ports, installation location, site conditions, valve construction material, type of actuation, and more.

Using this technical information, GREENING has designed valves capable of handling bulk materials in powder, pellet, granular, and aggregate form, including cement, fly ash, mining minerals, calcium carbonate, PVC, plastic pellets, coal, cement clinker, limestone, and FMCG industries.

Request a quote from us to get customized gate, valve or diverter made with high-quality materials that can handle any bulk material handling need. Contact us now.

Diverter valves

Overview: Flow control and diverter valves play a critical

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Slide gate

Overview: GREENING Slide Gates are essential components in

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Rack and Pinion slide gate

Overview: Rack and pinion slide gates work on the principle

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Rotary airlock valves

Overview: Rotary airlock valves serve as a "lock"

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